Implemented a Songs Importer in the Music Store

To make our Music Store plugin more useful and easy to use, we’ve implemented a new feature: the Songs Importer.


The Songs Importer allows create multiple products at the same time, and not one by one as in previous versions. The process is really simple:

  1. Go to the menu option: “Music Store/Songs Importer
  2. Press the “Upload/Select files” button. The action displays the “Media Library” in a popup window, to select the audio files existing in the media library, or you may activate the “Upload Files” tab, to upload new audio files to WordPress.
  3. After select all audio files, enter the base price that will be assigned to the imported products.
  4. Tick any of the options: artist, album name, genre, and year, to assign the information stored in the ID3 tags of the audio files to the products created in the importing process.
  5. Finally, press the “Import” button.

The process creates a new product for each audio file selected in the second step, and all of them are accessible from the “Music Store Songs” option of the Music Store.